Employment Tax Advice For Companies And International Mobile Employees

Employment Tax Advice For Companies And International Mobile Employees

Employment Tax Advice For Companies And International Mobile Employees

We file P11Ds and PSA on behalf of Companies.  

Advising International mobile employees on Bonus treatment, Share Option Schemes (Tax and Non-Tax Advantage), Overseas Workday relief, Tax Residency, Split Year Treatments and double tax claim 

Compliance in relation to International mobile employees, this includes overseas pension relief and filing self-assessments.  

Advising Companies on Employment benefits, share grants (Both Taxed Advantage and Non-Tax Advantage). Helping Companies with Compliance related to Share Option schemes.  

Mergers of Companies and PAYE Compliance 

PAYE Treatment of Short term business visitors  

Guidance and compliance in relation to tax equalisation 

Guidance in relation to salary scarified scheme, third party benefits, disguised remuneration.  

Guidance and compliance in relation to IR35 (Personal Services Company), Managed Services Companies and Agency regulations.  

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